Al's Great Projeckts!

you need never be bored

Updated 5/11/2005
Here are my latest greatest projects for you to explore and contribute to as you wish:

Top Level Project

Cybernetic Organisms Creating a hyper-evolving species

Active Subprojects

Cybernetics  The science and technology of intelligence.

Promotional and fund raising campaign.  [COMING EVENTUALLY]

Dormant Subprojects

Next Generation OS  Help re-define the way Operating Systems are designed for the simpler.

There Does seem to be a method to all this madness. =P

$ cat /dev/random

A section for transitory randomness.

What's this world coming to??? Even *I* can find bugs in the linux kernel, really frustrating and annoying ones at that! Bleh! I need to figure out how to restart my OS project...

Also, I'm a bit too fond of the current misspelled title to consider changing it. ;)

Personal and Political zone

Original stories:

Digital World

Orange Sky
My first novel length work which deserves to be called such.  (around 360kb...)
Original manuscript, unrevised. -- numerous grammatical issues as well as some completeness issues in later chapters. It's been lurking here for quite a while, first time I linked it up to this page.

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