
The science and technology of intelligence.

UPDATE: 12/5/2004

Project goals:

* A general cybernetic node is a device capable of, within limits, satisfying the requirements of all cybernetic problems. Solutions for special cybernetic problems include rocket guidance systems and, in the degenerate case, home thermostats.


This project is now my main focus. It offers the most promice for kickstarting the rest of my projects.

The latest addition is my Mind II proposal. It presents a research program that has an exceptionally high probablity of producing usable artificial intelligence.


AI Development with the Sphere Operating System

The Mind II AI architecture  (NEW)


A formal conceptualization of engrams and integrated engram processing.
    Kurt Godel in the early thirties developed a system known as Godel Numbering that can be used to represent any formal system.  That is any concept that can be defined can be expressed as godel numbers. It is therefore possible to encode very complex entities, including knowlege, as these numbers.
What is required are the algorithms and software systems to process the varrious types of input streams, perform cognition, and implement motovation.

A cybernetic node.
    The design and construction of a device (including software) that solves the general cybernetic problem and is capable of processing knowlege at a level sufficient to communicate in the English language with a vocabulary of at least 3,000 words. Subsidiary to this goal is a set of protocols and standards for communicating knowlege between such devices and also the integration of such devices and or processing techniques with conventional computer operating systems.

paper (9/14/99) explains this idea in more detail. It may be freely coppied so long as my name remains on it.