The Universal Computing Environment
Runs on any OS; Replaces Every OS!
Last changed: 5/1/03
Statement of PhilOSophy (old). A more concise
way to put my goals is this: "I seek sophistication without complexity."
Every project must have a concice mission statement or list of goals.
I intend to create a system that is more elegant than an old-fassioned
bytecode such as PAL codes or the JVM.
In the near term I will be working towards evolving Squeak into a platform
suitable for work related to the other projects on this site.
The project has been reformulated with a focus on the
Squeak environment (link below). Please join the mailing list and help
out. Squeak is easy enough that almost anyone can contribute! =)
AMD's new x86-64 architecture is very interesting
not because it is 64-bit or because it adds YetAnotherMode but because
it's new mode actually switches off a very significant ammount of cruft
which was unavoidable in previous chips. The choice of making a new OS
64-bit only is also very interesting because it means compatibility with
all previous hardware configurations can be ignored. Similarly, with peripheral
hardware, only a handfull of vendors need to be supported as older hardware
is unlikley to be paired with a new x86-64 system. Conclusion: LETS GO!!!
My design paper has been on
line for quite a while though not linked. The next step will involve specifying
and documenting a working implementation of this concept.
A file archive where contributed
content will be placed.
A previous project mailinglist.
-- OLD/inactive (if it even exists..)
Hardware Subproject
To reep the full benefits of this new way of writing
software, A highly efficient hardware platform similar to the Amiga
would be in order. Below I will share some of my thoughts about hardware
design in general and then later, as I figure out the details of this project,
I will begin adding technical specifications. Additional information is
in the goals document mentioned above.
The Universal Keyboard Vs. the Application Specific
Controller Device
The Squeak Environment.
The Usefull if not expedient system.
Man! I had overlooked the correctness of this concept for SO long!!!
Alan Grimes