Help Create The Borg!

Remember what they told you in school: "Anything is possible once you put your mind to it."

updated: 2/16/2002


    The "nanocybernetics" subproject has been promoted to a top-level project because of its relative urgancy.


Philosophy and project information.

    Short: "Good cybernetics are soley classified by the trait of being indistinguishable from the rest of the being."
    Long: My theory of the future of cybernetic technology is: Theory
Also of interest are some ideas about what psychological factors should be considered.

    Hyper evolution: If progress continues in the field of genetics and nanotechnology we will soon be entering an entire new epoch of life. In the past, the mindless processes of replication, variation, has created the species we see today. We are now at the threashold of a new epoch when the breakthrough of intelligence and the birth of the "meme" will come full circle and bring about a whole new ballgame. In this new game, classical inheritance will be utterly meaningless. The meme will BECOME the gene. When this happens, life will become incredibly chaotic to the point that prediction becomes futile.
    This project aims at creating a biocybernetic lifeform that will be able to survive and hopefully thrive in this radicly new environment.

Ethics: NONE!!! =] (tis great to be a mad scientist!) However in the area of test subjects, I will be CREATING them rather than er, recruiting them.


This section is in a "beginning in ernest" phase but I think it has great potential! =]
Neural Interface
I think the time is right to begin to develop a practical neural interface device.

Automated Medicine
Wouldn't it be great if your PC could be your doctor? This project will develop one of the key tools for manufacturing and maintaining borg, it would also be a very efficient way to care for humans too. =)

Anatomy and physiology subproject
This project covers the biological half of the borg. With advanced computers and cybernetic systems it will be possible to examine all DNA samples ever taken from all species and develop a new species with its own unique anatomy. At this early stage only features of gross (large scale) anatomy can be examined.


Unlike other projects, this one is wide open to anyone -- just about!

Mail me your ideas and I will edit/compile/post them HERE.

I have also created a mailinglist for these projects.


Zyvex home page: molecular nanotechnology
Hey, this is where its at in the 2000's. =)

Hewlett-Packard Labs Worldwide - Home
Buy stock in these people!

IBM Research
One of the best >H research institutions on the planet!

Here are some that just need to be here:

Anders Transhuman Page
Good solid site. Good site. Many links, half of which are broken but there are many of them.

Brain-Computer Interface Ring
It's a webring!

Human Genome Projeckt.
National Human Genome Research Institute
We gotta take us humans appart before we can put them borg togeather! :)
Sequencing: DONE!!!
Mapping: In Progress...................

All is open to comment/revision. If you see the need anywhere in this page mail: Alan Grimes