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Putrefied Cow,
NATO was right in the FRY and Iraq, USA was wrong in Vietnam. USA committed the genocide there. You can't generalize wars unless you are a absolute pacifist. Each conflict is different and has its own factors. War is sometimes a necessary extension of politics. This bashing of FRY is going to be a very positive event for the planet. I see excellent future results from this costly gamble by NATO.
This talk of 4.5 Billion (or 100,000s, which is it?) years damage sounds to me like chicken little envirofundie activism. I dont believe it. And Hiroshima and Nagasaki are presently fine. The ramifications of Iraq having control over a large portion of energy reserves and a strong coastline could be far worse than anything any pacifist or radical environmentalis can dream up. I go with the big picture myself after a
full weighing of the available facts. ..................jim
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