UCE Project Goals
Created: 7/17/2000
The design of a safe language system with which programs
can be developed that can operate on a wide variety of hardware without
the need to specify "Cases" or "Conditions."
The design of a powerful compiler and environment
that "invisably" and efficiently makes use of even the most advanced mult-processor
The design of hardware independant IO systems.
To adhere to existing standards where appropriate.
To propose standards and interoperability requirements
for implementations of this platform.
To implement a fully developed, full featured software
package using this technology that will match, feature for feature, today's
operating systems.
Open Platform Specification:
To create a driver and compiler interface specification
to be implemented by hardware vendors for the execution of this software
Referance Platfrom Implementation and Marketing:
To develop, manufacture, and distribute a full line
of computing hardware implementing this technology and supporting the software
mentioned above.