Re: virus: Rationality

Alexander Williams (
Tue, 25 Feb 1997 17:33:38 -0500 wrote:
> Hmmm, this sounds like a method of meme transmission to me! I see what
> you mean, though.

There is a difference between transmission and reinterpretation. But
since you get it ... :)

> A point I made somewhere else, though, was: Is rationality itself a
> meme, or is the idea that there is such a thing as rationality a meme?
> Is it one or the other or both?

You're dangerously close to reigniting the discussion of objective vs
subjective reality ...

A more important question may be `does it matter?'

   Alexander Williams{}
The  Mekton  is a  powerful tool,  both  physically and emotionally.
There is something that  happens to an  enemy when he sees his  home
and family stepped on by a hundred ton metal man.    -- Arkon Verian
Of  all the weapons of the  Empire, the  greatest and most respected
were the Metal Knights.  These Knights had served the leaders of the
Bendar for Generations,   righting wrongs and  bringing  fear to the
Empire's Enemies.  It is  said that these  metal giants were  shaped
like men so  that the alien servants of  Evil would know that it was
Man who defeated them.
                               -- Scribings from the Murian Archives