Once again i state...your error lies in taking everything at face value.
Subtlety is what make life fun....I'm not sure if your approach is due
to a belief that all things make themselves self-evident with initial
presentation or your just too young to imagine that a world in which all
books could be judged by their covers would be extremely base....and not
to mention boring. Some of your repeated assertions make this clear,
your claim (2 or 3 times) that i am a 'racist' for example...a popular
accusation during the defensive, social jockeying era in which the
university years reside..
could be shot down by myself with a few basic facts - but to do so (and
this is what i mean by understanding the eloquence of subtlety) would
mean engaging in very juvenile game of accusations i.e."youre a racist,
i'm not" or.."some of my best friends are(insert minority)"...
etc....all the classic, cliche and not to mention insincere 'debates'
that typically serve to merely jump on to the current side of accepted
popular opinion...with the sole intent being to help yourself by
bettering your image in the eyes of your equally frightened and
defensive peers.
I inserted my carpet bombing bit just as a joke to you...i was very confident that you would realize that it was so outrageous that you would spot it for a silly and purposefully in poor taste joke. In fact...it was so blatant that i must admit it was a very simplistic method of humor. What made me laugh is that once again you took it at face value..or pretended to do so, so as to look the hero --- what a good girl you are.
Anyway...i await your forthcoming piss and 'vinaigre' response. But i doubt i will be able to muster up more time to waste on you. Now that i understand you, youre really quite boring kristy...... ....though i do enjoy your creative writing, quite clever some of it.
>From: Zloduska <kjseelna@students.wisc.edu>
>Reply-To: virus@lucifer.com
>To: virus@lucifer.com
>Subject: Re: virus: Albanians and Zloduska's Rage
>Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 11:30:09 -0600
>SK wrote:
>(now that I've actually read it)
>> Actually, i think an intensive carpet bombing might be a solution.
>>Starting in Albania then running straight across, through Greece, then
>>Turkey, Iraq, Iran, up a little bit so as to get Afghanistan ..next
>>would be Pakistan and then...of course the Indian subcontinent.
>>how many potential genocidal situations would be thwarted!
>Finally you show your true colors.
>>- Zloduska...you are so literal in your interpretations of what people
>>write (not to mention handles)that i can easily understand how you
>>become sufficiently enraged to spew your 'gothic-rebel-secret
>>feminist-hoping-to-be-misunderstood-thinker' hate mail...
>Does reality go through a filter on your side of the globe? My reply
>your email, offlist, *trying* be discreet should not be considered
>> But how can you go off the deep end like...all your nasty insults,
>>cursing etc? Seems kind of like misdirected energy to me.
>> When i said 'Z and i have some sort of love hate thing going...' I
>>never imagined you or anyone could have interpreted it as you did. I
>>wrote that with a fond memory of your fierceness and confidence....it
>>was something i had admired, regardless if you understood what i had
>>actually said so long ago. But after this pitiful display of
>>immaturity, i realize that i had horribly overestimated you.
>EH?! Fine. Folks, if Sebastian insists on resolving this out in the
>I might as well give you a sequence of events here:
>1) That whole nasty, irritating argument several months ago.
>2) Recently, SK posts:
>>by the way...someone please answer this; _zloduska preferably_
>>since we have a strange love hate thing going:
>>is emminant hatred the result of plaguing Virus with
>>occasional jokes and other garbage? the purity of
>>material has always amazed me...or am i just a savage?
>3) The post goes unanswered for a few weeks, but then I reply to his
>private email account, with an apology for my tardiness in responding,
>then disclosing some personal information, and recounting the main
>why we ever argued in the first place. Not to mention that I
>pointed out that I did NOT want to engage in anymore trivial battles on
>off the list, and I hoped we could get along. To the tune of:
>>Sorry for the late, late reply. I wasn't ignoring you; I haven't had
>to answer until >just now.
>>I really don't want to argue with you. I'm over "it" and no longer
>off. I'm not your >friend, or enemy. I'd prefer we just got along. I
>don't have the time or inclination to get >upset over the trivial
>on a mailing list. I'm only answering you so as not to >appear rude.
>>I'm not sure how to answer your question. I don't feel 'hatred'
>anyone on the >list. Also, what displeasure I do have are not the
>of your 'humorous' stuff >posted to CoV. I don't expect to enjoy what
>read on the list, in fact most of the stuff >bores me to tears because
>is so text book-like and self-indulgent, however it is the >fantastic
>friendships that I have forged with the way-cool inhabitants of Church
>>Virus over the past year that keeps me here to stay.
>>To put this simply and briefly, it's your original post which inflamed
>that was the >result of my anger towards you. Now, I HATE dredging up
>past, but I think you're >unclear as to what exactly happened. As
>concisely as possible:
><followed down by yet another breakdown of how I saw things>
>4) Expecting a reply the next day to the effect, "Oh, I understand
>instead I am greeted by senseless accusations and personal insults that
>entirely out of context and irrelevant. Hoping to draw me into public
>battle once again, after I sincerely attempt to settle matters for
>and _repeatedly_ state I want to "make up" and not engage in *this* on
>list, you go ahead on do it anyway.
>And you have the audacity to tell me , "But after this pitiful display
>resurgent immaturity, i realize that i had horribly overestimated
>Rather, I should be speaking those words to you. I cannot tell you how
>much my opinion is now lowered after witnessing this immature,
>and nasty behavior of yours. You're not even worthy of Squid after
>display of arrogance.
>>You are
>>very literate, but i get the sense that you respond only to listen to
>>your own voice.
>And that is the reason why you're foaming at the mouth and looking like
>utter fool in front of all of CoV- you chose to send an uncalled for
>personal attack to a public forum, when I tried to finally settle
>through private email. And yet *I* am the one who likes an audience?
>anyone know the Latin term for "you are a damn hypocrite, thrice over"?
>I am NOT going to let you kindle another flame-war with me, try as you
>might in vain. You can stay in that racist bubble you call Home for all
>care. /ignore Sebastian
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