Kmo taught Logic
Kmo introduced me to "the alien book"
Kmo is an amazingly clear mathematical mind
Kmo could cleverly intuit any statement I made (such is experience) and be damn close to what I meant
Kmo, come out, come out wherever you are. No, I do not mean of a
closet like the pathetic lesbian cases who swarm around me like maggots
whenever a male and I frown at each other. i would feel compassion but i
barely muster up disdain for them. (by the way girls, the only reason the
guys support you in your edeavor is so they can watch...not bad for
someone my age, eh? Hopefully you'll be as.....well....I choose the
virtue of humility)
With all those questions pertaining to the cave write up...I'm
starting to feel insecure. KMO...have you lost your mind?
"I am more than what you define and delienate me to be" Elizabeth