virus: You're #1

Reed Konsler (
Sat, 13 Mar 1999 10:23:15 -0500

>Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 13:45:25 -0500
>Subject: virus: virtual hierarchy
>What's all this worry and rebellion about CoV would-be leaders and tops
>of the stack and better than thous? Why should anybody get all out of
>joint over a virtual hierarchy, even if they are on the bottom? If this
>is based on education and understanding logical fallacies for the
>purpose of debate and determining reason and rationality for the purpose
>of mysterious Level 3 mutations of all of the what? That
>seems like an okay hierarchy to me. The hierarchy has no practical
>implications for my life, but the function does/might, so WHATEVER.
> Being at the bottom of this hierarchy, if indeed I am, doesn't mean I
>have to sit at the back of the bus, or that I have be last in line at
>the check out lane to buy macaroni and cheese, or that I am denied
>personal freedoms (other than those I had in the first place)... BUT OH
>I just don't see why it's worth the sweat to worry about the CoV type
>hierarchy, which exists, but without the any real oppression of the
>"lower rungs."
>Worst case scenario: I learn something.
>(Head droops to the right, a stare into the distance, utters, "Wow...."
>with last breath...)
>Somebody Stop Me (I know you will.)

Are you kidding? You rock! Why perceive something as negative if it doesn't do you any harm that you can tell? I agree that I can't think of a single reason. We should each judge what we must, and no more.


  Reed Konsler              