What's all this worry and rebellion about CoV would-be leaders and tops
of the stack and better than thous? Why should anybody get all out of
joint over a virtual hierarchy, even if they are on the bottom? If this
is based on education and understanding logical fallacies for the
purpose of debate and determining reason and rationality for the purpose
of mysterious Level 3 mutations of all of the above....so what? That
seems like an okay hierarchy to me. The hierarchy has no practical
implications for my life, but the function does/might, so WHATEVER.
Being at the bottom of this hierarchy, if indeed I am, doesn't mean I
have to sit at the back of the bus, or that I have be last in line at
the check out lane to buy macaroni and cheese, or that I am denied
personal freedoms (other than those I had in the first place)... BUT OH
I just don't see why it's worth the sweat to worry about the CoV type
hierarchy, which exists, but without the any real oppression
of the
"lower rungs."