I replied to your friend and told her to let me know if she wanted me to
send the zipped TIF files of the originals to her or to the Council
Glad to see the word is spreading so well.
-Prof. Tim
-----Original Message-----
>My friend sent me this email. Wondered if anybody can direct her?
From: ncashen@klondyke.net <ncashen@klondyke.net>
To: virus@lucifer.com <virus@lucifer.com>
Date: Saturday, February 27, 1999 7:03 AM
Subject: virus: [Fwd: Church of Virus Info]
>"Contrariwise", continued Tweedledee, "If it was so, it
>might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it
>ain't. That's logic."
>Lewis Carroll