Linking instructions to the Thinkers Site

This page should make linking to the Thinkers site really Easy!
You may modify these links for ClickTrade or other purposes if necessary.
Note: You have to have a relevant website to qualify for a paid link

Great Thinkers button code:

<br> <a href="" target="_top">
<img src=""
align=middle width=40 height=40 alt="Great Thinkers page">
Great Thinkers and Visionaries page</a><br>

it will look like this:
"" Great Thinkers and Visionaries page

Great Thinkers banner code:

<br><center> <a href="" target="_top">
<img src=""
width=400 height=40 alt="Visit Great Thinkers page"> </a></center><br>

It will look like this:

Great Thinkers and Visionaries page