Best Web services
Search and find - pages are looking for you here...
Google WWW Search - looks at quality of the page and actually works!
Lycos WWW Search
Alta Vista
Yahoo Lot's of links, but with $billions they could do a better job...
Newhoo - open directory project
- Links2Go - intelligent Web directory.
- you can read and post USENET messages on Dejanews
WebCrawler Searching
Netscape's Internet Search list

Website promotion services
- the oldest and (I think) most popular Website submission service.
I use it for my pages.
- Submit2
- another good targeted submission service.
is a desktop based Web Page Crawler.
It explores Web Rings, scans pages and catalogs information based on given keywords.
Website development and maintenance
Most popular books on Web design from Amazon
Shareware Meta-Tag generator. Free 15-day trial.
WebLint - HTML validation tools.
- link checking and validation
- Also try new W3C Validator for HTML 4.0
LinkAlarm - excellent inexpensive service
Financial services
The First Internet VISA. Online approval, online account management, purchases made over the Internet guaranteed.
Consumer Democracy - consumer opinion and product ratings
Mondex E-cash
Other WWW services
- CRIT - allows you to leave comments on any webpage.
Nodes Network - collaborative Web project
Alexa - your collaborative browsing assistant.
Who's Who on the Internet
Welcome to Web Communications
Writing Resources and Writing Labs on the Net
The list of Internet Service Providers
I use it for my guestbooks
- Voice Recognition sofware for Attorneys
- Bookmark recommendation service
- some animated backgrounds you can use
It is more fun then useful, but I recommend it because... I made it all by myself.

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