Greater Boston Chapter
Statement of purpose
Greater Boston Chapter of the
World Future Society unites people interested
in future studies living in
and its goal is to connect local futurists, organize interesting events,
and entice the rest of Bostonians to look far ahead. We also maintain lists
of Web resources of general futurist interest.
Futurist news and events
Alcor Life Extension conference, June 17-18, Northern California.
Recently, we created a WFS mailing list
Please feel free to join and debate topics of serious futurist interest.
WFSGBC activities
For information on the next Boston Chapter meeting, please e-mail
David Nelson.
References to Chapter members' Home Pages
So far, you can visit the
Home page of Alexander Chislenko
webmaster of this site.
If you are a Bostonian futurist and have a webpage, please
tell us the URL of your page,
and we will be happy to include it here.
Guide to other Futurist resources
Futurist Community Center
Global online community for futures research and social progress.
Great thinkers and visionaries on the Web
Anders Transhuman Page
Extropy Institute
World Transhumanist Association
Progressive Life Awareness Network
Idea Futures
Foresight Institute
New Civilization Network
Transhumanist Art Center
- home of
factasy, a futuristic meld of fact and
heavily laced with
philosophy and
Institute of Memetic Engineering
Contemporary Renaissance Futures
Signposts Timeline
- predictions of human future for the next 600 years.
New Paradigms Project
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Project Mind Foundation
FringeWare Inc.
The Santa Fe Insitute
Progress and its Sustainability by John McCarthy
Rate of Human problems - interesting grouping of dangers to human life by probability.
The Vision Center for Futures Creation
Seeker1's CyberAnthropology Page
Libertarian Futurist Society
Laboratoire du Futur
Gopher resources on Futurology
Information Society
Global Futures Homepage
Technology Futures Inc.
Constructed Human Languages
Island One Society - Space exploration
Oceania - new country in development
IEEE Society Reports on Emerging Technologies
Future Trends in Online Publishing
from FIND/SVP, Inc.
Digitas. The Future Is Now. Emerging Technologies
Novelty and Concrescence
Russian Third Millenium Site
Howard Rheingold's Brainstorms: Tomorrow
SETI League
National Space Society
- research of causes of aging.
V2 foundation
Future Scenarious in HotWired
The Venus Project - redesign of a culture
for a sustainable future.
International Futures Programme
of the Organization for Economic and Co-Operative Development.
The NAU Solar System Simulation - an educational role-playing 'virtual' laboratory in which
students collaborate in building 'working models' of communities in a future Solar System.
Air Force Final report 2025
Adamantine Press - publisher of books on the
cutting edge issues and ideas shaping all our tomorrows.
-- Current articles on Dejanews
-- Current articles on Dejanews
-- Current articles on Dejanews
-- Current articles on Dejanews
-- Current articles on Dejanews
Other Future-related resource guides:
Best mailing lists on technology, future, and alternative social institutions
Future Section in Open Internet Directory
- please add your links!
Revelations of the Future Kind
- extensive index of futurist links.
Factasia links on the future
- another good index
Collection of Future links by Joel de Rosnay
Here are some past predictions of the future
Please send mail regarding organizational
issues to
Terrence O'Donnell or
David Nelson.
Please send suggestions on the contents of this document to
Alexander Chislenko

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