Intelligent humor page
This collection is intended to give a good laugh to the overwhelmed
visitors of my more serious pages. If you just came here for fun, you
are welcome too. Still, if you like my selection of humor, you may want
to check whether I have good taste in anything else - and click on some icon
at the end...
You are also welcome to join our new
Intelligent Humor mailing list
and share your favorite smart jokes with other people.
Some good humor sites:
AAA Jokes
- Mailing List and archives.
The Learning Kingdom's free daily email lists
- things cool and smart.
Weekly Puzzle Newsletter - Test your smarts in a fun way. - Free daily emails of riddles, jokes, words, recipes, and links.
Landover baptist
Most popular humor books from
The Most Useful FAQ ever
My own favorites
College admission essay
The World According to student bloopers - this is an excerpt from the book
Anguished English by
Richard Lederer.
Politically Correct Red Riding Hood - slightly improved, IMO,
compared to the version published in the
Politically Correct Bedtime Stories.
Better English
A few Humorous Quotes
Some funny short theories
Funny things sold on eBay
The Gift - a few sexual connotations here, hope it doesn't offend you.
Psychiatric Hotline
A naval communications transcript
Knowledge, time and money
My update to a joke by an unknown poster.
Effective daily affirmations
Property Laws of a Toddler
Math Knowledge
Tennis elbow
humorous computer quotes from some famous software people
Proper Care Of Floppies
Automatic generator of
postmodernist essays
Science Jokes
Recently, I wrote a short article on the nature of humor
as a social mechanism for distributing knowledge about unusual situations.
I would be happy to receive some criticisms and alternative ideas on the nature of humor.
Most popular humor books from
Most popular general humor books
Most popular humor fiction books
Most popular humorous essays
Most popular books of jokes and riddles
Most popular books of humorous limericks and verse
Most popular political humor books
If you like my taste in humor, and are up to an intellectual challenge,
I invite you to look into what I consider Real Fun -
and read my other intelligently adventurous pages.

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