Books about
Isaac Newton
The Great Thinkers website, in association
with, the largest bookseller on the Web, now offers a collection
of books about Isaac Newton. You can find more information about these books
and purchase them online by following the links below. The prices listed here
may not be accurate; please refer to the detailed listing for current prices.
Most of the books are offered at 10% or greater discount from their list price.
- Sir Isaac Newton's Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy and His System of the World : Motion of Bodies Vol 1
~ Ships in 2-3 days
Isaac Newton / Paperback / Published 1980
Amazon Price: $16.95
Sir Isaac Newton's Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy and His System of the World : The System of the World Vol 2
~ Ships in 2-3 days Isaac Newton / Paperback / Published 1978
Amazon Price: $16.95
Mathematical Papers of Isaac Newton : 1697-1722 Vol 8
Isaac Newton / Hardcover / Published 1982
Amazon Price: $285.00
(Special Order)
Mathematical Papers of Isaac Newton, Vol 6 : 1684-1691 Vol 6
Isaac Newton / Hardcover / Published 1975
(Publisher Out Of Stock)
Mathematical Papers of Isaac Newton, Vol 7 : 1691-1695 Vol 7
Isaac Newton / Hardcover / Published 1977
Amazon Price: $175.00 ~ You Save: $75.00 (30%)
(Special Order)
Newton's Philosophy of Nature
Isaac Newton / Paperback / Published 1985
Amazon Price: $16.95
(Special Order)
The Preliminary Manuscripts for Isaac Newton's 1687 Principia : 1684-1685 (Cambridge University Library Newton Manuscripts Series, 2)
Isaac Newton, D.T. Whiteside / Hardcover / Published 1989
(Publisher Out Of Stock)
Isaac Newton / Unknown Binding
(Hard to Find)
Isaac Newton's Theory of the moon's motion, 1702
Isaac Newton / Unknown Binding
(Hard to Find)
Mathematical Papers on Isaac Newton : Sixteen Eighty-Three to Sixteen Eighty-Four (Vol 5)
Isaac Newton / Textbook Binding / Published 1972
(Hard to Find)
Mathematical principles of natural philosophy
Isaac Newton / Unknown Binding
(Hard to Find)
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
Isaac Newton / Hardcover / Published 1964
(Hard to Find)
The mathematical principles of natural philosophy
Isaac Newton / Unknown Binding
(Hard to Find)
Mathematical principles of natural philosophy
Isaac Newton / Unknown Binding
(Hard to Find)
Mathematical Works of Isaac Newton Vol 1
Isaac Newton / Textbook Binding / Published 1964
(Hard to Find)
Mathematical Works of Issac Newton Vol 2
Isaac Newton, Derek Whiteside (Editor) / Hardcover / Published 1964
(Hard to Find)
A treatise of the system of the world
Isaac Newton / Unknown Binding
(Hard to Find)
Unpublished Scientific Papers of Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton, R. Hull (Editor) / Paperback / Published 1979
(Hard to Find)
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