Newsfilter project
- current project aimed at semantic content filtering for Web and usenet
On multi-agent systems and "hypereconomy".
It is still under development, but the ideas are there.
For a more polished and academic version, see my submission on hypereconomy
to ISAS'98 conference, in
Word'97 format.
On classes of theories - a short and somewhat humorous piece circa 1991
Semantic Web - a draft proposal for the future of content-aware Web.
Aerial robotics - in the nearest future
small flying robots will be able to do lots of interesting and dangerous things...
the nature of humor - I suggest it is there to
stimulate humans to get smarter by looking for semantic irregularities
in the environment.
The following are my more polished and probably the best pieces. I recommend you to look at the HTML versions, as they have lots of references, and even some pictures.
Automated Collaborative Filtering and Semantic Transports.
- ideas of using the next generation of information technologies for
automated meaningful distribution of knowledge. MS Word version RTF version
You can also find this article in the book
Information Imagineering : Meeting at the Interface
Legacy Systems and functional Cyborgization - in
Some ideas on coevolution of things technological
and biological. It is quite serious, but short, relatively easy to read
and somewhat representative of my general directions of thought.
If you find nothing of interest in this text, you will probably not lose
much by skipping the others.
Intelligent Information Filters and Enhanced Reality
- in
- discusses long-term future of augmented perception.
Networking in the Mind Age - in
MS Word format and
RTF - some ideas on the architecture
of post-human, post-personality and post-identity intelligence,
and how it will evolve. Partly based on soon-to-be published
book on Mind Age by Hans Moravec.
German translation of Networking in the Mind Age
Philogeny, ontogeny and personality uploads - a posting to the
Virus mailing list.
Web, Links, and Substance - some ideas of what is substance and what is
structure in the on- and off-line worlds. Put into HTML by
Ton Rueckert. [Thanks!]
The Following files are in ASCII only:
I may HTMLize them soon or reference my posts on DejaNews instead,
so if you want to reference a plain-text article, and to make sure your
links remain useful, you may consider including the URL of this whole page.
Living Systems suggests some ideas on general laws
of functional evolution of various systems and emergence of
super-entities. (See also TeX version)
On Science and purpose - my post on CybCom list in July 1995.
I recently rediscovered it and think it's pretty good ;-)
On traffic signs, reptiles and future
A complete history of humans and technology - don't
get scared, it's just one page...
Software Tax, Communism and Public Good - how to use taxes
to fund software development.
On Abortions
- some philosophical views on responsibilities
of intelligent beings regardless of reproductive specifics.
Idea Futures - my essay with some ideas on the
fascinating subject first put forward by Robin Hanson.
- My thoughts on where it stands now, and what it should be.
Identity - Limitations of the concept.
Idea of Identity Space. Future liquid intelligence is going to have
real problems with this identity thing...
Some thoughts on body ownership
Landfills - they are the greatest asset of humankind!
Infinitely Fast Computer,
and how to build it with basement Universes.
Mutual Organ Donation Society (MODS)
could resolve the ethical problems of organ donation - as well as
lack of donors.
Semantic Space - this could be the place where the nature
keeps its laws (or God - her software). This is also an attempt
to put rational foundation under Plato's and Sheldrake's ideas.
It is an old article, I wrote it back in Russia, and its English
is somewhat clumsy. (
ASCII version)
Message Rating - or how we can solve the information
noise problems and rebuild the global body of knowledge with
collaborative filtering of documents.
ASCII version)
See also Web rating: Bootstrapping the service - sketch
Ring World - how not to build human settlements
in the Solar system.
Science and Fiction - why these
things have split, and what will happen next.
Identity and trans-temporal self[?]-coercion
Do you have a right to sell yourself into slavery?
I suggest new answers to this old libertarian dilemma,
and philosophize on some identity issues.
Some philosophical thoughts on Math and Science - my
short reply to Leonard Adleman's view on relation between mathematics
and science.
Indian lottery and functional sovereignty
A short post to the Extropian list on a new Indian lottery and some
issues on territorial and functional sovereignty.
Private Traces in Public Places - notes on technology and future of privacy.
William Gibson and Schools - very critical thoughts
on Gibson's suggestions on robbing software markets to ruin
education, and what schools and Gibson should do instead.
Some of my Usenet posts:
Do you have a right to have children on the overcrowded earth?
On Evil, Children and Holy Cows
If you want to follow my writing more closely, you are welcome to
subscribe to
my mailing list.
I also invite you to explore resources provided by my Web
home page.