Re: virus: _____ of Virus

Wade T.Smith (
Thu, 27 Nov 97 11:28:24 -0500

>I can't seem to get a
>feeling that anything productive happens when posts are deconstructed and
>each idea is handled as a separate topic.

Indeed it doesn't. (This is the crux of my argument with philosophy....)

But how simple (or singular) do you actually think 'religion',
'government', 'male', and 'female' are?

What am I missing here? These are not single 'ideas', ready for including
in a recipe for memetic pudding.

Memetics will never get anywhere until it becomes an experimental
science, IMHO. Why are you throwing in concepts as ingredients?

We're still looking for the drosophila, for the 2 Tbs of memetic baking
powder if you will, and you keep telling us to smell the bakery....

Wade T. Smith | "There ain't nothin' you | shouldn't do to a god." |
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