Re: virus: Hardly ever....

Marie Foster (
Wed, 26 Nov 1997 09:17:13 -0800

Wade T.Smith wrote:
> You know, sometimes I read this stuff at work, hurriedly, and some things
> get by me. But later, the odd phrase resurfaces.
> Now, I don't still have the post, but I could swear that Marie said
> something to the effect that she 'hadn't come across a religion that
> tried to explain reality'.

You are correct. I did say that. And here is a better explanation of my

There is a subtle difference between trying to explain reality* and
trying to explain *our place in reality* or our relationship to

Also, there is a difference between RELIGION and religion. RELIGION to
me is like how I believe you see religion. Dogmatic, autocratic,
suspicious, .... etc. It is one person telling another person that they
have to do something, or a bunch of somethings to overcome life and

Have you ever read anything written by Thomas Merton? How about Thich
Nhat Hanh, or H. H. the Dalai Lama? I wish I could think of a great
Muslim or Jewish thinker to list... but those are areas I feel somewhat
deficient in. I did not major or minor in comparative religion. I just
have studied Christian thought and Buddhist thought.

What I often view as discussion here is related to sectarianism. The
nature of it seems to be that *I* am exclusivly Christian or Buddhist,
etc. while you are not... etc. That is why I view atheism as
religion. And believe me there are ATHEISTS as well as atheists. Carl
Sagan IMHO was an atheist. I am religious. And I do not see any
conflict between the two. Both are valid ways to explain our
relationship to *reality*. (But I do feel that agnostics are somewhat
more open minded... :0)

Now, this is exclusivly *my* thinking. I can not ascribe it to anyone
else. Certainly I have read a lot and a lot of what I have read has
influenced me. But unlike Brett... I have not taken notes (Sorry
Brett, this is not to make fun of you... as you know I think highly of
you and have no wish to offend). [Actually, I should have taken better
The more I try to distill the essence of any particular view on reality,
the more convinced I am that my intuition is based on sound reasoning
and also resonates as true.

But I have no wish to convert anyone. I respect each persons individual
journey too much for that.

The introduction to a Course In Miracles says something like "This is a
required course. However, you need not read the book or even know about
the book to take the course." When I read this, I knew I had found
something that I could use to further my journey.

I am enjoying your company along the way.
