> But do episodes of these emotive responses _produce_ happiness? That is
> where I need to see the evidence. (I am more apt to see murder and mayhem
> there.)
Love is seldom rational. (Although I must admit, it frequently comes with
its own share of mayhem to boot!)
> Do the Prof and I concur that it is the balance of the urges and the
> reason that makes the superior human animal, while disagreeing about the
> importance of the urges insofar as knowledge is concerned?
I do believe so. I might even go so far as to speculate that we could be
closer than you think on the "importance" question as well. It seems like
a question not of relative importance, but rather one of utility to a
given task.
-Prof. Tim
> *****************
> Wade T. Smith
> morbius@channel1.com | "There ain't nothin' you
> wade_smith@harvard.edu | shouldn't do to a god."
> morbius@cyberwarped.com |
> ******* http://www.channel1.com/users/morbius/ *******