Re: virus: Faith, Logic and Purpose

Wade T.Smith (
Mon, 10 Nov 97 08:48:20 -0500

>It occurred to me that this is the real beef I have with the sciences, by
>the very nature of their analysis the sciences give up the flexibility, and
>thus adaptivity that the arts maintain.

You are not arguing with science, you are arguing here with the
institutions erected. I make the same criticism you do above against

>It occurred to me that this is the real beef I have with [philosophy], by
>the very nature of their analysis [philosophy] give[s] up the flexibility, and
>thus adaptivity that [science] maintain[s].

However, even accepting both our narrow scope, we are really diatribing
against particular schools. More power to us, eh?


I still twirl up around the edges at what you think 'science' is. It is
not the hide-bound, reactive monstrosity you seem to think it is.
(Anymore than the whole rubric 'newage' is not the hide-bound
retrogressive monstrosity I think it is....)

Wade T. Smith