Re: virus: Taking Over the World (was: Sign Off)

Brett Lane Robertson (
Thu, 23 Oct 1997 20:06:43 -0500

>How can you separate context from content? Maybe you live on an ethereal
>plane where content is insignificant details, while context is all that
>--David R.


It's all a matter of levels and priorities. Within the context of a group,
there are the content "individual persons". Within the context of
individual, there is content "specific behavior". Within the context of
behavior there is the content of "thoughts". I do not focus on one
particular behavior of an individual for example if I am looking at that
person with unconditional positive regard. I don't focus on a specific bill
being passed in congress if I am concerned with the legal process. I do not
see "what color our money is", for example, as relevant to the complexity of
the government.

Usually when people use the context of memetics to talk about
"redistribution of wealth", for example, they have a personal agenda. Many
could use the forum of memetics to talk about the price of eggs in China, or
whatever. When used as an example within the context of memetics this is
fine. There is an obvious point though when discussions about religion, or
politics, or masculine/feminine differences, etc. keep stealing the focus
when I stand up and take notice that the person is not talking about
memetics and would probably use a forum on humor, or religion, or abuse,
etc. to likewise bring up their own personal program. I have learned by
watching my own postings and responses that introducing personal issues has
a negative affect on the group process.


Rabble Sonnet Retort
This line from Shakespeare has delusions of grandeur.

Douglas R Hofstadter