Re: virus: 'Meaning of Life' Memes

D.H.Rosdeitcher (
Fri, 5 Sep 1997 12:25:27 -0400

Tim wrote:
I wrote:
>> ...But your statement I don't get. I don't know what you mean when you
>> that the point is to do something pointless.

>Most people get confused because they make things overly complicated. Or
>their sentences too long. Your sin is the latter. Try, "I don't know
>what you mean when you say that the point is to do something."
>Know what I mean?

I think so. The notions of pointlessness and meaninglessness are mind
viruses just like other ideologies. But from within the virus--within the
sense of pointlessness--it would be good to have reasonable cases against
it. For instance, if complex systems theory gives a strong case for
meaning, that would be points scored against the existentialist view of
pointlessness, even for people who have that particular virus. Know what I

--David R.