Re: virus: The One Universal Truth
Tue, 24 Jun 1997 02:54:49 -0400 (EDT)

>* The One Universal Truth: *
>* Sometimes, you're wrong. *

That sounds about right. But there is no one univeral truth. There are many.

>The One Universal Truth:
>You're wrong.

Doesn't that statement negate itself.

>The Universal Truth:
>Usually, I'm wrong.

Doesn't this statement also negate itself, due to odds for and against.

>The Universal Truth:
>Usually, I'm right.

Now you've done a complete 180.

>The New Truth:
>We all must eat.

This also sounds about right.

>* Conversations between Schrodinger's Cat and Pavlov's Dog: *
>* Cat: There is no enemy anywhere. *
>* Dog: Then some of our friends are trying to kill us. *
>* Cat: There is no friend anywhere, either. *

The point being that we are killing ourselves. If so then sit back, smile
and enjoy the ride, since we're all going to commit suicide anyway.

Strange Love,