Re: virus: Religion, Zen, post-structuralism, and the failure

John ''Storm of Drones'' Williams (
Fri, 13 Jun 1997 17:34:28 -0400


>Sure, you could redefine faith to be belief that something is true
>without being able to prove it. Given that definition
>without being able to prove it. Given that definition, I would have
>to say I have faith in everything that I believe is true which isn't

Redefine? Redefine from what? Your definition, or the standard definition?
My Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary from 1992 defines "faith" as "complete
exceptence of a truth that cannot be demonstrated or proved by the process
of logical thought." This does not seem to be a "redefinition," in the
sense of using the word in an uncommon or modified fashion from what one
would normally expect.

This message was year 2000 complient.

John Williams
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"See my loafers? Former gophers!"