I can respect that.
>level 3 and Post-Structuralism, as you've explained it, are about
>removing our identity from the ideas and beleifs that we hold.
Eeeeeeeugh. Sorta. Post-Structuralism, at least, would insist that there is
*no* way to remove our identity from the ideas and beliefs we hold. Even if
we try to, or pretend to change [lingo-change] meme-sets, we're always
going to have that *core* of beliefs and interpretations that we'll never
[Warning! Uncompleted thought follows!]
To a certain extent, that's why I feel it's wrong to convert people. If
they're memed to it, they'll convert themselves. Otherwise, it's a rude
personal attack on someone's identity.
John Williams ICQ Address: 1213689 prefect@tricon.net
"See my loafers? Former gophers!"
Various Artists: Raising the Tide of Mediocrity for Two Years