Re: virus: RE: Memes and Mind Viruses

Grant Callaghan (
Mon, 9 Jun 1997 06:57:11 -0700 (PDT)

On Mon, 9 Jun 1997, Robin Faichney wrote:

> The fit survive to reproduce. And what does "fit" mean?
> Something is fit if it survives to reproduce. It's circular.
> You can't test whether "good memes" will populate
> people's minds in the future at the expense of the less
> fit, if "good memes" are defined as those that will
> populate people's minds in the future at the expense of
> the less fit.
I would think that those which survive to reporduce are by
definition the "good" memes. "Good" and "bad" only exist in
the act of judgement by an observer, not in the thing observed.
