Is there anyway I could get my hands on this document you quote?
> And again, Eric:
> ERIC: Why don't you go become a Christain, then? They promise immorality of
> ERIC: the soul. All you have to do is sacrifice you life here on Earth in
> ERIC: worship of their God! What a great deal!
> Question: which is more life affirming in this instance?
> Eric's? Or the UM? ;-)
Ummm... I've said this before, but I'll say it again since you seem
really hurt. The above was a peice of sarcasm which I thought was
funny. I deliberatly misrepresented the Christian position in an
(obviously misguided) attempt to poke humour at it. See, I've been
reading the Bible and all these Christian meme's are running around in
my head. In an attempt to make sure they don't totally take over, I'm
exagerating and distorting the memes. I don't think it's working
anyway. Too much exposure!