virus: Core needs

Richard Brodie (
Mon, 31 Mar 1997 15:27:55 -0800

David McF wrote:

>If I keep asking "why" for my goals I eventually end up with "to have
>a meaningful life" which I equate with "making a difference", "changing
>the world" and "creating the future". If I ask "why" again I come to
>the same answer, not unlike a strange attractor in a chaotic system.

I call these elements of individual fulfillment "core needs" in my book
Getting Past OK (available from the Amazon.Com Memetics Bookstore, When you put them all
together you have a "success checklist." Part Three of Getting Past OK
contains exercises that you can use to discover your own if you aren't
certain you know them already.
>Does anyone here have a different strange attractor? I imagine their
>are many possible ones, e.g. "to become one with the universe", "to
>serve God", "to accumulate as many toys as possible", maybe even
>"to feel good". Maybe these core motivations are the primary difference
>between groups of people, let's call them "meta-religions".

I've worked with hundreds of people in seminars designed to make them
conscious of their core needs. People are very different and have
different sets of them. They ALL come down to feeling good. It's
certainly possible to have a life purpose programmed into you by
default, by brainwashing, or by guilt, rather than choosing one that
gives you a deep sense of fulfillment. I don't recommend it.

Richard Brodie +1.206.688.8600
CEO, Brodie Technology Group, Inc., Bellevue, WA, USA
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