There are really too many unknowns to answer this question; we need to
know if this Chronoscope sees things as they really were in our lineal
history or just back in the branchings of the MWH. Whether you have a
set of earplugs attached or no. A host of things.
Assuming, however, that the device sees through linear time:
Once you grab a bio of '96 Clinton, you can judge just how big a liar
he really is by comparing his reported behaviour to his actual
ALL of his behaviours, '56 to '96 would then be pre-determined,
assuming time is linear. Would you have access to knowing about all
of them? Likely not. Would Bill Clinton be able to pre-determine the
next 40yrs of his '56 version's life? Yes.
It /prevents/ nothing, however, the '56 Clinton /will not/ deviate
from the cource he `is destined' to follow, so he's limited all the