Re: virus: Re: Virus: Sociological Change

XYZ Customer Support (
Thu, 12 Dec 1996 14:41:24 -0700

> Europeans: the two cultures had very different concepts of
> land ownership, and a tribe that thought it was saying "yes,
> you can share this piece of our hunting ground" would then
> discover that the Europeans interpreted this as "from now
> on this land is only for our use, because we have bought it
> from the Indians."

I think this is a very good point you have brought up. A more ideal
society is one in which there can be no cultural distinctions.
Culture leads to pride and pride leads to racism and racism leads to
hatred and war. When someone says, "I am proud to be Afro-American"
what are they really saying? "I wouldn't be proud if I weren't an
Afro-American"? Can I, a white person, also say, "I am proud to be
Afro-American"? No. I am aleinated by comments like that. Anything
that says, "This is my culture" or "This is my heritage" or "This is
my race" is divisive and hateful. Can I join in a Mexican Hat dance
or would I be laughed off the stage because I'm not mexican? An ideal
society would elminate any source of pride, including "I am proud to
be an American". Rather it should be "I am proud to be a fellow human