>From: Haphaestus[SMTP:noctem@centuryinter.net]
>Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 1996 11:02AM
>To: Schneider John
>Subject: Reply: RE: virus: Magic/Science
>>Open question: is that a fundamentally wrong way of looking at it,
>>and if so, then is there any literature available which actually
>>shows the reader "how to do magic", and doesn't frog around with
>>discussing the "why" until afterword?
>>- JPS
>>- jschneid@hanoverdirect.com
> Chaos Magic (of the variety developed by Peter J. Carroll) takes
>this slant. Not unexpectedly, his form of C. M. is regarded with
>disdain by people outside of the groups that practice it, usually
>labeling it as black magic because of its emphasis on practicality
>instead of metaphysics.
> Regards,
> Haphaestus
>Stygian Blacksmith Studios "Don't quote
>tell me what you think."
>Editor, The Stygian Forge _Mage: The
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