Re: virus: accurate statements vs The Absolute Truth

David Leeper (
Mon, 27 Aug 1956 23:15:31 +0000


> After answering David's post on the Uncertainty
> Principle I think that maybe atoms do behave in
> an unpredictable way... And only on the macro
> scale they are "statistically" predictable? TT
> would be the "macro consistency" then. There
> would be no consistency, no TT and no AT on the
> atomic level. It's hard to believe. What do
> you think?

We're always on difficult ground when dealing
with Quantum Mechanics, especially when the
scientists themselves can't seem to agree. Here's
a quote from Richard Feynman:

"I would like to put the Uncertainty Principle in
its historical place: When the revolutionary ideas
of quantum physics were first coming out, people
still tried to understand them in terms of old-
fashioned ideas (such as, light goes in straight
lines). But at a certain point the old-fashioned
ideas would begin to fail, so a warning was
developed that said, in effect, "Your old-fashioned
ideas are no damn good when ..." If you get rid of
all the old-fashioned ideas and instead use the
ideas I'm explaining in these lectures -adding
_arrows_ for all the ways an event can happen-
there is no need for an uncertainty principle!"

- QED, The Strange Theory of Light and Matter.

Kenneth Boyd's idea of the union of all true
statements, which I modified to change over time
and called TRTH!t (where !t represents a time
index), is _exactly_ the same type of idea
Feynman used to ditch the Uncertainty Principle.

Feynman's ideas are stunning in their simplicity
and inspiring in their power. QED is definitly
a good read.

In the meantime, I think TRTH!t is an idea worth
holding on to in this discussion. The concepts
we're discussing border on metaphysics and it's
difficult not to get lost. TRTH!t at least keeps
us within sight of some solid rational thought.

Is there TT at the Quantum level? To be honest,
I'm not sure I understand what TT is. I believe
it's the set of all statements which are in
TRTH!t regardless of the value of !t. In other
words, the set of statements which are always
true regardless of time. If this is a correct
definition, then by definition it would exist
even at the Quantum level. Pi is pi,
1 + 1 = 1 (in Cohesive Math, of course), and so

Does this seem correct?

David Leeper
Homo Deus  
1 + 1 != 2