Re: virus: Level 2/3

David Leeper (
Mon, 27 Aug 1956 23:36:11 +0000

| Table Of Level 3 Falacies, Contradictions & Useless Definitions |
| Version 1.1 |
| Works best with fixed-width font. |
| Definition | Status | Reason |
| Level 3 causes | Debunked | Replicators do not become |
| Replicators to | | stuck. |
| Become "Unstuck". | | |
| Level 3 Asks "Is | Useless | We are able to use two con- |
| This Useful?" | | tradictory systems: Logic |
| | | and Social. Everyone must |
| | | ask "Is this useful" in |
| | | order to think. |
| Level 3 a synonym | Contradiction | Contradicts other synonyms. |
| for "Extreme select-| | |
| ive pressure of | | |
| memes". | | |
| Level 3 a synonym | Contradiction | Contradicts other synonyms. |
| for "Postmodern" | | |
| thought. | | |
| Level 3 a synonym | Contradiction | Contradicts other synonyms. |
| for "Having a | | |
| Purpose." | | |

David Leeper
Homo Deus  
1 + 1 != 2