I never said math was NOT mystical. Who are you arguing with?
> Quantum mechanics looks mystical because it must be worked in highly
> abstract math.
Perhaps that is one reason, but there are lots of other situations
which can only be approached using highly abstract math, which are not
taken to be mystical. Example: fluid mechanics - everybody is familiar
with the 'meniscus', but it is staggeringly difficult to predict, since
it requires the solution of an extremely complicated nonlinear partial
differential equation: even more complicated than the Schrodinger
equation as it looks in, say, Bell's Theorem. But nobody says that
fluid mechanics looks mystical, while people will say that Bell's
Theorem requires a certain 'mystical' interpretation of quantum
mechanics... that is due to that "conscious observation" makes,
or seems to make, a difference in the outcome of events, which, I
assert, is why quantum mechanics appears mystical.