"My main concern with this idea is pretty fundamental. The first
bit of text on http://plains.uwyo.edu/~astarte/tarot.htm:
What is the Tarot? It is a system of cards often used for
divination, as well as spells, meditation, and many other
I understand what you are saying. The belief that shaking a rattle will
cause it to rain is not very virain, but the idea of using your mind and
your exert your desires in the world is very virian-- and very
"spell-like". Casting a spell on someone (a curse, a blessing) is merely
sending powerfully engineered memes.
So powerful that the recipient "fulfils the prophecy".
-- Regards +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Ken Pantheists http://www.lucifer.com/~kenpan Virus Theatre http://www.lucifer.com/virus/theatre TooBa Physical Theatre Centre http://www.tooba.com +--------------------------------------------------------------------+