Re: virus: Science and Religion

David Leeper (
Mon, 26 Nov 1956 22:08:54 +0000

>I argue (and I'm not the first) that such questions are DECEPTIVELY
>significant. What is the purpose of the universe? That seems pretty
>important to me. Does God exist? Is there "life" after "death"? Does our
>universe of perception correlate with the universe as it exists indepently?
>Does the universe exist indepently of us? How does one discover the
>absolute objective truth, the "right" answer?

These questions are so easy, I can answer them backwards with one hand tied behind my back.

> How does one discover the absolute objective truth, the "right" answer?

Can't. See Einstien's "Relativity".

>Does the universe exist indepently of us?

Nope. We are not _in_ the universe, we _are_ the universe. See Einstien's "Relativity".

>Does our universe of perception correlate with the universe as it exists indepently?

AAAGGNT. Invalid question. The universe does not exist independantly of us.

>Is there "life" after "death"?

Yes. Your body returns to the earth and becomes part of its life. Your genes continue on in the
life of your relatives. Your memes live on in those you infect.

>Does God exist?

Yes. God is the emergent behavior of the universe.

>What is the purpose of the universe?

The universe, as an evolving, living creature, has no external purpose. "Purpose" is a meme.
Anything capabile of manipulating memes is capable of defining purpose.

David Leeper
Homo Deus