> Is there anything else I should know about the recorded message?
> 1. If possible, the message should be narreted by the clergy.
> 2. Messages should be approximately 5 minutesin length (2 minutes
> of speaking plus 3 minutes of breathing).
> 3. Recorded message should be updated daily (or more frequently).
> Are there any ways to promote our 900 number with little or no money?
> 1. Print the 900 number in the local bus station urinals.
> 2. Have the clergy announce the 900 number at defence hearings, and social
> functions to encourage calls.
> 3. Distribute business cards and moist towelettes, at each service or fuction, with the 900
> number printed on them.
> 4. In a prominent location, put up a large, permanent sign promoting the
> church's 900 number.
> Aside from the funds we could obviously raise, what are some of the
> advantages of having a 900 number?
> Advantages to the church:
> 1. "NO RISK" sexual outlet, with no ongoing cost.
> 2. Easy to set-up.
> 3. Messages can be updated by the clergy via any telephone, at any time.
> 4. Increases contact with congregation without increasing the exchange of bodily fluids.
> 5. Allows the church to reach members, and allows those members to stay in touch with themselves.
> How will we gwt paid?
> Approximately 60 to 90 days after the billing month in which the calls
> were placed to your 900 phone sex number,your check from AIS, for your revenue
> share is forward to you.
> The 60 to 90 day lag is due to the time between:
> * when the phone bill is received and doctored
> * when the caller actually pays their telephone bill or becomes hospitalized.
> * when our staff supervisor supports his drug habit
> * when the telephone company forwards payment to the 900 service
> bureau (AIS)
> 900 Easystreet
> http://eros.cum/ezstreet/900.htm
> For a demonstration of how a 900 number works dial.
> 1-900-PHO-NSEX ext.BAMBI
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