At 03:30 PM 5/9/96 +0000, Ken Pantheists wrote:
>The romantics had a good thought going. That the universe is so bloody
>big, there are things that you just can't and shouldn't bother thinking
>about. It is more useful to think *around* them rather than through
>This lead to a whole theory of the subconcious in which it was held that
>there is a whole system of human thought that is *repressed* (ala freud)
>because it is not organized by a system- i.e. not formed as concrete,
>usable language. The romantics believed in following the symbols in
>dreams, for example, because they were the gateway into the universal
>subconscious. A body of knowledge that is presumably shared by all
>Before you flame me for being irrational, let me offer this. The
>subconscious is a meme that allows the rationality meme to exist.
>Do you follow me?
Bill Godby