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Mon, 06 May 96 23:56:11 cst

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Date: Mon, 06 May 1996 21:53:12 -0500
To: "ng List Church of Virus Maili" <>
From: "John A" <>
Subject: Re: virus:Other Reality
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David McFadzean wrote:
> We can infer the existence of an objective reality from out subjective
> reality, but we can have no direct knowledge of objective reality.

It is exactly this objective reality that I called "absolute" reality. I
think that we are not seeing as much of the absolute reality as we think
that we are. Our senses seem so natural that we think of them as
perceieving actual objective reality, but they do not. People tend to
think that their subjective realtiy is objective, absolute reality. Take
the concept of beauty; this concept is purely subjective. The adage
"beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is completely true. Most people
consider beauty as an intrinsic part of the natural world, with an
absolute and unchanging state. When in discussions concerning beauty,
conflicts arise about what is beautiful because everyone has a different
idea of what is and what is not beautiful.

Two things are beautiful; nothing and everything. This is true because
the concept of beauty is a figment of our conciousness. Any concept or
thing you can imagine is considered beautiful by someone, and this same
concept is unbearably ugly to someone else.

John Aten