Re: virus: Robin! Things

Dan Plante (
Mon, 24 May 1999 01:21:08 -0700

At 02:57 PM 23/05/99 -0500, Joe E. Dees wrote:

Dave Pape wrote:


>> Cos I believe in relationships. The way I see it, and I'm a bit of an
>> armchair dosser thinker, is that Things, when you look at them, look like
>> arrangements of other Things. That observation feeds back, in that you can
>> take the output of the analysis (the other Things) and stick it back in
>> again (the other things are made up of yet other things). I ended up
>> thinking that maybe the relationships between Things are realler than the
>> Things themselves. As language is Thing-orientated to the hilt, I'm still
>> so buzzing with my own cleverness that I feel it necessary to make
>> controversial-sounding claims about the subject at any and every


>Think of things and the relationships which obtain between them as
>co-primordial and mutually grounding.

