David McFadzean wrote:
>As long as I'm making true confessions I'm an INTx
KMO wrote:
>Your Temperament is Idealist : NF
>I was so irritated by the either/or form of the questions that I
I had the same feeling. I kept trying to mark both boxes even though it
wouldn't let me.
>in the Keirsey temperament sorter, a Myers-Briggs clone. The x means
>I'm equally perceiving/judging which makes me an Architect/Mastermind.
>See <http://keirsey.com/personality/nt.html> for an analysis.
>I would encourage everyone to take the test on-line at
>and report your results to the list for our mutual edification. I found
>it rather enlightening.
>Your variant temperament is Champion : ENFP
>couldn't bring myself to read an explanation of the results.
-Prof. Tim