Truth is reality - To say I am searching for truth is putting the cart ahead of the mule as any truth I look for has me incorporated into it. I don't search for truth - I look at the evidence and choose based upon the odds. When the odds are extreme I accept this information as "truth" until there is evidence to the contrary. I am not disappointed when I am wrong - being wrong is an excellent opportunity to improve. I am happy to be right, if right was earned from my labors. If I am right by guessing or default - I am usually upset - this drives my ego to understand WHY I was right.
I suppose from my perspective - there is a cost associated with not looking for "truth" - finding truth is just a matter of decision.
Bill Roh
-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Boyd [] Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 1999 1:14 PM To: Subject: Re: Truth at all costs (was RE: virus: from the Skeptic'snewsletter...)
From: sodom <>:
>Truth has no cost
Truth has no cost? Could you elaborate? I've always thought that truth had a pretty big cost (e.g. the purpose of a proof is to *compel* belief; the capital t Truth *forces* the issue)