FW: Hello

Fri, 18 Aug 95 13:09:00 CDT

From: David McFadzean
Subject: Re: Hello
Date: Friday, August 18, 1995 11:12PM

At 11:35 AM 8/18/95 CDT, you wrote:

>>>I will gladly show you the evidence if you tell me what kind of evidence
>>>would convince you.

>>Well documented unbaised information, from a well educated scientist. I
>>would like to see fact. I would like to see evidence of it being applied
>>today. I would like to meet the man who lived four-billion years to tell

>I would recommend going to your local university bookstore or library
>and pick up a good text on geology and/or paleontology. There you will
>find ample evidence that single celled organisms developed on earth
>around 3 billion years ago, there was a "Cambrian explosion" of multi-
>cellular life 1 billion years ago, dinosaurs ruled the earth between
>200 million to 65 million years ago. The evidence is just in radioactive
>dating but is corroborated by what we know about plate tectonics,
>the rate of evolutionary change, and geological formations. Of course
>you can say that God created it all to look that old just to test our
>faith, and I have no argument against that, not because it is true,
>but because the statement isn't open to verification, falsification
>or criticism.

I am currently reading Origins by Richard Leakey, it sounds like a fairy
tale. He presents now fact. It is all theory, actually I would like to
accuse it of being all hypothesis still, but I won't.

>>If a person can say that my scientists don't count, then I could just as
>>easily say that theirs don't count. So please don't use the reference to

>How about if I only count scientists that are published in peer-reviewed
>journals, independent of their respective religious beliefs?

Great, but how do you know they are unbiased? I do like-wise, but I don't
blindly follow every word they say, I just recently sent a letter
questioning a fellow "Creationist" why he believes the way he believes.

Why couldn't I say that the pulishings I read aren't peer-reviewed
journals, independent of their respective religious beliefs?

>>Christians. Often they change the evidence to fit their needs. Yes,
>>creationists use this tactic also at times, but with the same ,or I find
>>times, even less biased view than evolutionists do. The main point of
>>creation science is not to prove capital 'G' God, but to prove evolution
>>false, and to get scientists to rethink their methods... Enough, I will
>>finish my response below.

>Don't you realize that even if evolution turns out to be totally wrong
>that doesn't verify Creationism in the least?

Which means you agree that evolution has no fact to back it?

I never said it would. I don't care if it verifies Creationism, it certainly
would not disprove it.

>>>Do you know how much water it would take to flood the whole world?

>>A lot. (Gen 1:6).

>More water than exists in our solar system.

How do you know?
All of the water is here on the earth. If you want a logical explaination
just ask me.

>>>Do you believe in the story of the ark?

>>Yes. If I didn't then why should I believe anything the Bible says?

>Do you believe the story where God sent bears to kill a group of
>children that were mocking His prophet?

Yes. Then God is very cruel right?

>>>Do you believe Noah took a male and female of every insect species in the

>>>world on his boat?

>>I believe he took whatever God sent to Noah.

>>>If so, the weight of the insects alone would be more than the boat.

>>So. Cement boats float... Inflatable rafts weigh 10lbs. yet I can float
>>500lbs across a pond or down a river in it...
>>What is the point?

>The point is there is not enough volume in the ark to hold 2 of
>every species.

I know, and I believe there were a lot more existing back then, amazing huh?

> And it is also obvious that the story was made up before people know of
the dangers of inbreeding.

What does inbreeding have to do with anything? Inbreeding helped us to
evolve, so why is it so dangerous?

>>>Do you believe stars exist?

>>Yes. They are in the Bible too...

>>>How far away do you think they are?

>>Really far... It doesn't matter, it isn't relevant or contradictory to my

>It is relevant because if the stars are actually billions of light
>years away then the universe is billions of years old. If you don't
>think that is relevant then your faith is clouding your judgement.

Why does it mean that the earth is billions of years old? I told you already
that God had already made the light. It contradicts my faith in no way. I
think that you aren't calmly discussing with me. Your anger is clouding your

How do we know for a fact that the stars are billions of light years away?
What fact proves it? Have you flown to one recently? I believe that the
stars are far away, maybe even billions of light years. No God is not trying
to make the earth look old, He could be trying to show how vast and powerful
he is. How can we judge what is billions of lightyears out, when we don't
even know the composition of Pluto. We don't even understand our own solsr
system yet...

>>>Less than 4500 light years? Or do you think light travels at
>>>different speeds depending on God's whim or do you think the stars
>>>aren't actually there and God shot the light at Earth from 4000
>>>light years away to make it look like there are stars out there?

>>As above. I don't think God is worried about shooting beams of light at
>>earth. God put the stars into existance, it is found in the Bible. You
>>also find that God made the light before the stars. God was not 4000 light

>>years away from the earth when He did all of this. Genises states that he
>>was hovering over the surface of the deep. True empiracle science in no
>>contradicts the Bible, if that is what you are trying to get at. I don't
>>have the answers for everything and will not pretend to. By the same
>>no one except for God has the answers to everything, whether He exists or

>It is obvious that you define true empirical science as whatever science
>does not contradict the bible. That leaves out geology, astronomy,
>physics, paleontology, chemistry and biology.

None of the above compromise anything. If it does tell me how. I don't think
you have done any, unbaised reading, of evidence from the other side have

I appeciate the chat, danke,
In Him,