Brown University double concentrating in philosophy and cognitive =
science. From what I've seen, I have a strong tendancy to agree with =
the ontological stance advanced by your web site. =
A few observations on your reading list and some of your =
philosophical synopsis:
1. I think you give to much credit to Daniel Dennet throughout your =
site. He's sold a lot of books, but his ideas are in many cases ill =
considered. His valid observations on the nature of intellectual =
evolution are better explained by Douglas Hoffstadter in *The Mind's =
I* and *G=F6del, Escher, Bach*. For the most part, Dennet's function =
in the philosophical discourse is to reduce the more profound =
observations by more compotent intellectuals (e.g. Hoffstadter, =
Davidson, Searle, Kripke, Nagel) on central and timely issues to a =
level that anyone with enough money to buy a book can understand.
2. Your synopsis of the history of philosophy needs some work. If =
nothing else, it shouldn't be hard to find somewhat objective links =
to other sites where the works of philosophers you mention but do =
not explain are expounded upon. The same applies to most other =
sections of your site. =
3. You overlook some important scholars that would be conducive to =
your position of advocacy. Alan Watts is the first example that =
comes to mind; I strongly recommend adding *The Two Hands of God* to =
your reading list. It may also be of value to include influences of =
a more artistic and slightly less self important nature. The works =
of Wm. S. Burroughs and Mark Leyner are invaluable to an exploration =
of this sort of perspective in the modern context.
I may be able to help you expand the content of your cite if you =
are interested. I am fairly well versed in various philosophies, =
eastern religions, cognitive science and psychology. I also have =
some experience with graphic design and manipulation.
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