Your email address is associated with a science fiction web site. Name In Space would like to offer you a FREE complimentary trip for your name and message to orbit the earth along with William Shatner's.
Take a look at and if you're interested
simply order Name In Space through our web site. When you fill out
the order form select "Check" as your payment method and enter
"NIS HAL 40" and your message in the comment box.
We need the order information for your certificate and for the information that goes on the satellite but the complimentary code prepays your ticket. You'll see a statement returned to your browser but our database will have already marked it PAID so no invoice will be sent.
We would appreciate a mention on your web site but it is absolutely not required. This is a free offer because of your interest in science fiction and your presence on the internet.
I look forward to seeing you aboard our satellite, the Enterprise